Going North with Dom Brightmon
Dominique "Dom" Brightmon, DTM is an award-winning speaker and certified member of the John Maxwell Team. He is the author of "Going North!: Tips & Techniques to Advance Yourself" & the follow-up bestseller, "Stay the Course: The Elite Performer's 7 Secret Keys to Sustainable Success". Dom host's the Going North podcast, a top rated self-help podcast that interviews authors from all over the world. His mantra is Advance others to advance yourself.
Website: www.dombrightmon.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DomBrightmon
In This Episode
- Advance yourself by advancing others.
- How to use major life events to re-evaluate priorities.
- The importance of thinking versus reacting.
- How to be the light to help others find theirs.
- The power of immersing yourself in books, audios, and people that lift you up.
- Why we need to Walk Slowly Through the Crowd
- The key to deciding to Move Forward, Retreat, or Pivot.
- How intentionality and awareness precede growth and development.
- What we Speak About, We Bring About.
- The Need for Consistency
- 90% of Success is Showing Up
- The importance of being authentic and having humility
- How Elite Performers create Simple Consistent Habits
- Why you want to change your “Zip Code” and choose a demanding environment.