Growing up, I was always a fan of options…choices. Clearly having more choices gives you more options and more chances of accomplishing your goal. But it has become clear that not everyone views options in the same way. I was recently speaking with a friend of mine who’s trying to start a family with the help of

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While we all want success, sometimes the best path to success is through failure. Tom Peters popularized the idea of “Fail. Forward. Fast.”  While we understand this on an intellectual basis, where it really becomes valuable is in creating a culture that values and rewards risk taking. There is no doubt that success is great

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I was recently reminded about the movie, The Book of Eli, which is about a man, Denzel Washington, who is trying to preserve the last Bible on Earth in a post-apocalyptic world. Now, the antagonist, Gary Oldman, wants to steal this book, because he knows of its power to guide, lead, and from his perspective, control

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