Ever had someone say to you, “keep up the good work” and you felt anything but encouraged or inspired?  This is not at all uncommon, especially if your relationship with the person offering this insightful feedback is a bit strained.  The relationship we have definitely impacts how we will interpret all the messages that come our way. Here’s a quick tip to help you begin to build a good relationship or even repair one that has some room for improvement.  After giving positive feedback, avoid those cliche phrases that can come across as patronizing.  Instead, end your positive feedback with ...

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Mistakes happen.  And sometimes we’re the ones who make them.  Make mistakes consistently enough and some people start to feel as if that’s just what they do.  And they may even feel like a failure. Instead of feeling that way, here’s a point of view that I’d like you try on, in anything you do, there is no failure, only feedback.  Think about that for just a moment.  What does that mean to you? Of course, most of us would prefer to not make mistakes, but they happen and the key is to learn from them so you don’t have ...

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While in San Juan, I worked with someone who was the Strategic Sales Director for a well-known advertising agency in NY.  And we got talking about the importance of framing in communication.  And he shared a strategy the used consistently with his clients to make sure that they bought the campaign that he wanted them to buy. One of the things he did was to create a situation in which the client was clear about what they wanted and was ready to buy once they saw the solution that met their specific needs.  The challenge is that client’s don’t always ...

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Once you’ve got your mission statement down in writing, here are some things that you can do to make it even more effective. #1:  Make sure it focuses on something greater than you. For example, the statement, “To make myself as rich as possible,” is too self-focused and illustrates a “means” value rather than an “end” value.  A means value is something that is important as a means to an end.  In the above example, one might ask, “Money for what purpose?”  In addition, the “rich as possible” mission statement may be unfulfilling in the long run.  At some point, the ...

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I often hear managers lament that their teams are, “so lazy” or that their employees are “out the door at 5 pm.”  These managers are struggling with a common workplace problem, a lack of commitment. When I ask more about the teams, I usually hear about micro-managing and a tightly controlled environment and then I have to share truth that is unsettling for many managers.  There is a correlation between commitment and the amount of control a person has in performing an activity.  For some of you, this will be the last thing you want to hear, because you like ...

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